The Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration announced that its new CRCICA Arbitration Rules have entered into force as from 15 January 2024 (“CRCICA Arbitration Rules 2024”).
Last updated in 2011, the CRCICA Arbitration Rules are amended to meet the needs of users and evolving dispute resolution and trade landscapes. The CRCICA Arbitration Rules 2024 has effectively been adopted by CRCICA’s Board of Trustees on 20 December 2023.
The new CRCICA Arbitration Rules 2024 are still within the spirit of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. However, the new 2024 Rules include provisions previously undealt with issues, namely online arbitration filing, remote hearings, the law applicable to the arbitration agreement, consolidation of arbitrations, early dismissal of claims, multiple contracts, third party funding, Emergency Arbitrator Rules and Expedited Arbitration Rules, amongst others.
Finally, the Tables of the Administrative Fees and the Fees of the Arbitral Tribunal in Annex 1 to the Rules have been modified to respond to a decade of economic developments, taking into consideration the importance of striking a balance between cost effectiveness and maintaining high quality services to best serve the interests of users.
Read the rules here.