Public-Private Dialogue on Public-Private Partnerships in Egypt’s River Transport Sector, Cairo, Egypt, 18 September, 2014

On 18 September 2014, a conference titled “Public-Private Dialogue on Public-Private Partnerships in Egypt’s River Transport Sector” was held in Cairo, at Le Meridien Heliopolis Hotel. The conference was the final day of a 3-day workshop related to public-private partnerships in the river transport sector. The event was organized by the River Transport Authority, the Investment Security in the Mediterranean (ISMED) Support Programme and the OECD. It aimed at exploring the means to develop river transportation in Egypt, the various challenges that it face and whether PPPs (public private partnerships) could be a proper mechanism to serve this purpose. The conference presented the legislative and political framework of PPPs in Egypt and discussed the draft report prepared by ISMED regarding River transportation in Egypt. A final report that includes the comments expressed by the attendees in this workshop will be presented at the ISMED Working Group Conference which will be held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris in December 2014. CRCICA was represented in the conference by Dr. Dalia Hussein, legal advisor at the Centre.


 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 18 2014

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