Reaching far out to Financial Institutions, France and Luxembourg, October 2017

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CRCICA has adopted a vigorous policy to introduce its role and activities to users and gatekeepers of arbitration in different parts of the world. October 2017 witnessed a remarkable focus on development and investment banks for their significant role in supporting arbitration. On the 5th of October 2017, the Paris Office of Mayer Brown hosted a live meeting between Dr. Ismail Selim, who was in physical attendance, and representatives of three significant financial institutions providing finance and facilitation services to African Countries; US Im-Ex Bank, UK Export Finance, and US OPIC.

After Dr. Selim’s delivery of an information speech on CRCICA and the arbitration environment in Egypt, the representatives of the three institutions participated, through video conferencing facility, in an interactive questions and answers session with Dr. Ismail Selim about CRCICA and the legal environment of arbitration in Egypt. Questions involved issues related to the distinction between the venue and the seat of arbitration under Egyptian law and jurisprudence, appointment of arbitrators, and enforcement of awards. Special thanks goes to Mayer Brown (Paris Office) for organizing this unique meeting and for supporting arbitration in Africa. It is worth mentioning that this meeting was second to an earlier one with the Mayer Brown’s Litigation and International Arbitration Team of Paris and London.

On 4 October 2017, a separate similar communication took place in Luxembourg where Dr. Selim presented CRCICA to the European Investment Bank at its premises in Luxembourg. Questions involved issues inter alia related to CRCICA’s financial stability and independence as well as its permanency and percentage of international cases among the cases administered by the CRCICA. CRCICA headquarters agreement

 Posted in News
 Published on Oct 05 2017

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