Seminar: “International Arbitration Trends in 2023 – An African Perspective: What is Now, What is Next?”

On 28 February 2023, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the CRCICA the webinar on “International Arbitration Trends in 2023 – An African Perspective: What is Now, What is Next?” The speakers were Mr. Jean-François Le Gal, Partner, Pinsent Masons LLP and Honorary Secretary of the CIArb London Branch, Mr. Girgis Abd El Shahid, Managing Partner, Shahid Law Firm, and Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of the CRCICA and Vice-Chair of the Egypt Branch. The event was moderated by Ambassador Mostafa Kamal, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of the Egypt Branch Committee.

The event approached the international arbitration trends in 2023 in light of the findings of the recent SOAS Arbitration in Africa Survey and the increase in infrastructure and energy-related Disputes in light of the 2022 Energy Arbitration Survey conducted by the School of International Arbitration (SIA), Queen Mary University of London in partnership with Pinsent Masons.

Mr. Le Gal focused on the main drivers of Africa-connected disputes, as showed by the SOAS Survey, and connected the surveys’ findings in relation to infrastructure and energy disputes. Mr. Abd El-Shahid attempted to apply some of the responses in the Queen Mary/Pinsent Masons Survey to Egypt taking the Benban Solar Park Project and its associated contracts as a reference. He concluded his speech by providing a practical analysis of the most popular arbitral seats for energy disputes, with a reflection on Cairo being a potential “go-to” arbitral seat of energy disputes. Dr. Ismail Selim presented the arbitral institution’s view regarding infrastructure and energy disputes and their arbitration agreements. Ambassador Mostafa Kamal gave insights on the Egyptian governmental view of this kind of disputes.

To watch the video of the webinar, please click here:

 Posted in Seminar
 Event date Feb 28 2023

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