The President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) visits CRCICA

CRCICA was honored to welcome Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport “AASTMT” on Tuesday 30 March 2021. The visit aimed to extend the mutual ways of cooperation between CRCICA and the AASTMT. It is worth noting that CRCICA signed a cooperation protocol with AASTMT and the Egyptian Chamber of Commerce in Alexandria to revive the Centre’s branch in Alexandria.

This protocol aims to achieve spreading institutional arbitration awareness in Alexandria capacity building, developing the skills of Alexandrian practitioners and provide them with specialized knowledge in the fields of commercial maritime arbitration, mediation and other alternative means of resolving disputes to the best of interest of the Alexandria business community.

 Posted in News
 Published on Mar 30 2021

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