The SCC Annual Board Meeting, 18 September 2015

On 18 September 2015, CRCICA Director attended the Annual Board Meeting of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), which was established in 1917 (celebrating 100 years of existence in 2017) and has developed into one of the world’s leading forums for dispute resolution.

Sweden and the SCC play a unique role in the international system developed for bilateral and multilateral investment protection worldwide. In at least 120 of the current bilateral investment treaties (BITs) Sweden or the SCC is cited as the forum for resolving disputes between investors and the state. Today, the SCC is the world’s second largest institution for investment disputes.

The SCC Board is currently composed of one chairperson, two vice chairpersons and 13 additional members including CRCICA Director. The Board includes both Swedish and non-Swedish nationals, all of whom are distinguished and highly qualified experts in international commercial dispute resolution.

The function of the SCC Board is to make decisions as required under the SCC Rules. This includes decisions regarding prima facie jurisdiction, appointment of arbitrators, challenge to arbitrators and the costs of the arbitration.

 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 18 2015

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