Become a Panelist at CRCICA

Admission to the CRCICA Panel of Arbitrators (Panel of Arbitrators) takes place when an applicant requests to be added to the Panel of Arbitrators (Applicant) after filling the arbitrator application online form (Application Form) having attached the applicant’s CV and other supporting materials as set below.

Applicants wishing to apply to the Panel of Arbitrators must demonstrate an appropriate level of expertise and experience in international arbitration and be of good standing and character.

Registration Requirements
  • Registration is valid for five years and is subject to renewal according to Guidelines for Renewal in CRCICA’s Panel of Arbitrators, for further information please click here; and
  • These requirements should be read in conjunction with the CRCICA Arbitration Rules as they maybe amended from time to time.
The conditions for first time enrollment in CRCICA’s Panel of Arbitrators are the following:
  • Be aged between 30 and 75 years;
  • Have an experience as an arbitrator in 5 or more arbitration cases or an experience as counsel in at least 6 or more arbitration cases; and
  • Declare that they have no criminal record in the country(ies) where they practice.

It could be beneficial for the Applicant to mention that:

  • They are a Member or Fellow at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) [for more information on CIArb Egypt Branch please click here]; and
  • They have any other supplemental information exemplifying the Applicant’s experience in arbitration such as completing any arbitration related courses or seminars.

After filling the Application Form and the Applicant receiving a confirmation email from CRCICA, the Centre shall respond via email to the Applicant’s request by acceptance or rejection within 10 working days from submitting the Application Form.

Once the Applicant is successfully admitted to the Panel of Arbitrators, CRCICA will send an email welcoming the successful applicant to the Panel of Arbitrators with their profile (consisting of a username and password) which they can use to log in to their account to view and update their details, CV and upload any further relevant materials at his/her convenience.

CRCICA reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to admit or to refuse the admission of any Applicant to the Panel of Arbitrators. In exercising its discretion, CRCICA will have regard to, inter alia, the qualifications, experience and standing of an applicant as well as to the number of arbitrators currently on the Panel of Arbitrators from the country in which the applicant is resident.

CRCICA reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to remove any person from the Panel of Arbitrators at any time.

Admission to the CRCICA Panel of Mediators (Panel of Mediators) takes place where an applicant requests to be added to the Panel of Mediators (Applicant) after filling the mediator application online form (Application Form) having attached the Applicant’s CV and other supporting materials as set below.

The requirements apply to any person who wants to be registered in the Panel of Mediators with the purpose of acting as a neutral to assist parties in conflict to reach an amicable resolution of their dispute, regardless of the appellation used by the Parties to denote such process.

The objective of these requirements is to specify conditions for mediators seeking registration and assist in informing participants, prospective participants and others what qualifications and competencies can be expected of mediators.

Registration Requirements
  • Registration is valid for five years and is subject to renewal according to Guidelines for Renewal in CRCICA’s Panel of Mediators, for further information please click here; and
  • These requirements should be read in conjunction with the Mediation Rules as they maybe amended from time to time.
The conditions for first time enrollment in CRCICA’s Panel of Mediators are the following:
  • Be aged between 30 and 75 years;
  • Provide evidence of mediator training with minimum of 40 hours training with two days assessment showing competence and skills;
  • Comply with any legislative and approval requirements that govern mediation in country(ies) where they practice, as they may be revised; and
  • Declare that they have no criminal record in the country(ies) where they practice.

After filling the Application Form and the Applicant receiving a confirmation email from CRCICA, the Centre shall respond via an email to the Applicant’s request by acceptance or rejection within 10 working days from submitting the Application Form.

Once the Applicant is successfully admitted to the Panel of Mediators, CRCICA will send an email welcoming the successful applicant to the Panel of Mediators with their profile (consisting of a username and password) which they can use to log in to their account to view and update their details, CV and upload any further relevant materials at their convenience.

CRCICA reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to admit or to refuse the admission of any Applicant to the Panel of Mediators. The decision to register mediators in the Panel of Mediators is discretionary. It is a business decision that takes into account the existing number of mediators, the types of cases submitted to CRCICA, diversity, and desired sectors.

Only CRCICA’s registered mediators are entitled to use the expression “CRCICA registered Mediator”. In the event that a CRCICA registered Mediator fails to maintain CRCICA’s requirements for registration, or no longer qualifies as a CRCICA registered Mediator, use of the title CRCICA registered Mediator and use of the CRCICA name and logo will end, and the Mediator’s Profile will no longer be included on the Panel of Mediators.

CRCICA reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to remove any person from the Panel of Mediators at any time.

Admission to the CRCICA Panel of  Adjudicators and/or CRCICA’s Panel of Experts takes place where an applicant requests to be added to the CRCICA Panel of  Adjudicators and/or CRCICA’s Panel of Experts (the Applicant) by filling the below application online form (Application Form) provided that the Applicant:

  • Be aged between 30 and 75 years;
  • provide their years of experience and areas of expertise in their relevant fields; and
  • Declare that they have no criminal record in the country(ies) where they practice.

After filling the Application Form and the Applicant receiving a confirmation email from CRCICA, the Centre shall respond via an email to the Applicant’s request by acceptance or rejection within 10 working days from submitting the Application Form.

Once the Applicant is successfully admitted to the Panel of Adjudicators or Panel of Experts, CRCICA will send an email welcoming the successful applicant to the Panel of Adjudicators or Panel of Experts with their profile (consisting of a username and password) which they can use to log in to their account to view and update their details, CV and upload any further relevant materials at their convenience.

The decision to register adjudicators in CRCICA’s Panel of Adjudicators or to register experts in CRCICA’s Panel of Experts is discretionary.

Only CRCICA’s registered Adjudicators or Experts are entitled to use the expression “CRCICA registered Adjudicator” or “CRCICA registered Expert”.

CRCICA reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to remove any person from the Panel of Adjudicators or Panel of Experts at any time.

Kindly note that the Application Form is under construction and will be available very soon.
CRCICA apologises for the inconvenience.