ADR Techniques and the Settlement of Investment Disputes: Exploring the Recent Amendments of the Egyptian Investment Law
Apr 29 2015
On 29 April 2015, the Mediation Breakfast Seminar titled "Alternative Disputes Resolution Techniques and the Settlement of Investment Disputes: Exploring the Recent Amendments of the Egyptian Investment Law" was delivered by Dr. Fatma Salaheldin Riad Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Cairo University; Partner, Ibrachy & Dermarkar. The lecturer stressed that the nature of investment disputes requires as flexible tools as alternative dispute resolutions techniques are able to offer. Within this context, Dr. Riad highlighted the salient aspects of ADR techniques as manifested in the Egyptian Investment Law recently amended by Law no. 17 / 2015. She also shared her views regarding some of the amendments. The speech was followed by lively discussions involving representatives of many professional sectors.
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Critical Analysis of Some Practical and Legal Problems in International Commercial Arbitration: Case Study
Apr 08 2015
On 8 April 2015, the first Wednesday One Seminar of the quarter was delivered by Mr. Yassin Tageldin Yassin, Lawyer, Court of Cassation under the title “Critical Analysis of Some Practical and Legal Problems in International Commercial Arbitration: Case Study”. Mr. Yassin focused on some practical aspects of a well-known arbitration case involving the construction of a public utility. Discussions focused on the relation between national public policy and the issuance of an arbitral award by a truncated arbitral tribunal.
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Contractual Drafting of the Mediation Clause
Mar 30 2015
Mr. Adel El Kholy, lawyer and CEDR accredited mediator, delivered a very interesting and interactive lecture on the drafting of mediation clauses inserted in commercial contracts. The lecture was widely attended and addressed the salient elements guaranteeing the correct and efficient drafting of enforceable mediation clauses. The lecturer also discussed the pros and cons of simple and multi-tiered mediation clauses.
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Developing Countries and International Law: Confrontation, Contribution, or Acting Behind the Enemy Lines?
Mar 04 2015
On 4 March 2015, Prof. Dr. Georges ABI-SAAB, delivered a lecture entitled "Developing Countries and International Law: Confrontation, Contribution, or Acting Behind the Enemy Lines?". Prof. Dr. Abi-Saab is Emeritus Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, and Member of CRCICA's Board of Trustees, Member of the Institute of International Law, Former Chairman of the Appellate Body of the World Trade, Organization (WTO) and Member of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Monetary Fund and of various international arbitral tribunals (ICSID, ICC, UNCITRAL, CRCICA).
Prof. Abi-Saab probed into the practical effects of international law requirements on developing countries. Exploring the various challenges involved, the lecture examined the ways and means of facing them while striking a balance between globalization requirements and national identity. The Seminar witnessed wide attendance and lively discussions all to the betterment of developing countries participation in the international economic scenery.
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Preparation Stage of Mediation: An Important Step Forward Towards a Successful Amicable Settlement
Feb 25 2015
In the February Mediation Breakfast Seminar of the year, Mr. Gamal Abou Ali, LL.M, of Hassouna & Abou Ali Law Firm and CEDR Accredited Mediator, shed the light on the necessary groundwork to prepare a dispute for a successful mediation. The lecture emphasized the importance of the preparation stage - in terms of set up, procedures and substance - as a fundamental factor for the success of the mediation. The seminar was concluded by lively discussions between the lecturer and the audience.
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