Past Events


Past Events

Non-competition Clauses in Commercial Contracts in Light of the Law on Protection of Competition and the Arbitration Law
Feb 04 2015
On 4 February 2015, Dr. Khaled Attia, Partner, Sarie-Eldin & Partners and former Executive Director of the Egyptian Competition Authority, delivered a lecture entitled: "Non-competition Provision in Commercial Contracts in the Light of the Law on Protection of Competition and the Arbitration Law". The lecture presented a thorough expert analysis of the interplay between competition law and the arbitration process and what is thought to be inherent tension between the two. Attendees believed the perspective of the lecture is highly instrumental in guiding users when exactly to decide to arbitrate a dispute involving aspects of competition law.  
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Practical Experiences and Expertise in Mediation
Jan 21 2015
On 21 January 2015, the Mediation Breakfast Seminar titled "Practical Experiences and Expertise in Mediation" was delivered by Mr. Khalil Shaat, Policies Expert, Contract Management Specialist and Accredited Mediator. The speech unveiled core issues in the practice of mediation out of the speaker's vast experiences in program management and policy advising. The lecturer shared with the audience interesting tips as to how to realize a win/win solution in a successful mediation. The speech was followed by lively discussions involving representatives of many professional sectors.  
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The Law and Practice of the Arbitrators’ Duty to Ascertain the Content and Apply the Law Governing the Merits of the Dispute
Jan 14 2015
Held on 14 January 2015, the first Wednesday One Seminars of the year opened up very interesting discussions on "The Law and Practice of the Arbitrators' Duty to Ascertain the Content and Apply the Law Governing the Merits of the Dispute". Delivered by Dr. Mohamed Salah Abdel Wahab, the lecture set a thematic statement that national arbitration laws and institutional rules infrequently address the extent to which arbitrators may ascertain and apply the contents of the lex causae (the chosen governing law) and discussed the constraints arbitrators face in fulfilling their obligation to determine and apply the chosen law or rules. According to Dr. Abdel Wahab, there are three essential constraints:(a) ne ultra petita, (b) transparency and foreseeability, and (c) due process. Dr. Abdel Wahab is Founding Partner and Head of the International Arbitration Group, Zulficar and Partners, Professor of Private International Law and Dispute Resolution, Faculty of Law - Cairo University and Vice-Chairman, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Cairo Branch).      
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Nov 30 2014
In November and December, CRCICA, in collaboration with International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) hosted a series of events to promote commercial mediation led by Prof. Dr. Nadja Alexander, an imminent international scholar and practitioner of mediation.  
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Egyptian Arbitration Law: Celebrating Twenty years of Application
Dec 28 2014
This celebratory event was held on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Egyptian Arbitration Law no 27 / 1994. The agenda featured three discussion panels tackling the following themes: 1) Practical problems arising out of the application of the Egyptian Arbitration Law ; 2) Case Law on the Law; 3) Salient Features of the arbitration legislative policy in Egypt ; In a dynamic discussion structure, a wide variety of experts approached the different topics of the agenda. Each panel tackled a number of comprehensive practice-grounded questions that triggered a unique exchange of experience among panelists complemented by expert questions and interventions from the floor. At the closing session, CRCICA reported a proposal of amendment, integrating the discussions of the conference as well as recommendations of revisions prepared earlier by eminent practitioners under the auspices of the Centre. Users representing a variety of business sectors were in attendance, including the fields of telecommunication, construction, banking import and export, capital market. Also, many law firms, ministries of justice, universities, non-governmental and international organizations and national courts were represented. Beside an outstanding majority of Egyptian professionals, there were attendees from United Arab Emirates, Sudan and Yemen who chose to observe the leading Egyptian experience in the application of the Arbitration Law. Please click here to view the full report of the conference in Arabic
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