Critical Issues Related to the Arbitration Agreement and the Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal in International Commercial Arbitration
Feb 05 2014
On 5 February 2014, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Samir El Sharkawy, International Lawyer and Arbitrator; Former Dean, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, delivered a lecture on "Critical Issues Related to the Arbitration Agreement and the Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal in International Commercial Arbitration". By the attendance of a considerable number of in-house counsels, the lecture stimulated lively discussions.
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The Duration of the Arbitration Process: Extension, Suspension and Termination
Jan 08 2014
On 8 January 2014, Mr. Yasser Mansour, Managing Partner, Mansour Law Office, delivered a lecture entitled "The Duration of the Arbitration Process: Extension, Suspension and Termination". The topic covered all features related to the duration of arbitration out of both theoretical and practical perspectives. The lecture led to a very interesting discussion among the attendees.
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CRCICA / IFC Mediation Seminars, 2-5 January 2014
Jan 02 2014
On 2-5 January 2014, CRCICA in cooperation with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) held four consecutive mediation seminars delivered by Prof. Najda Alexander, Professor and Director of the International Institute of Conflict Engagement and Resolution (IICER), Hong Kong at Shue Yan University.
The themes of each seminar, however, were different; one focused on Effective Dispute Management for In-House Counsels. The Seminar explored the needs and expectations of in house counsels, as varying as their businesses are, in an attempt to place better mediation approaches respectively.
Entitled Opening Mediation Windows in the Arbitration House, the second seminar handled the reciprocity between mediation and arbitration in some cases. In an interactive format, Dr. Alexander discussed the different variables of med-arb and explored with the participants the future of med-arb in Egypt.
The third Seminar titled Mediation for Resolving Construction Disputes discussed the different options for dispute management systems that involve mediation for the construction industry in Egypt.
The fourth and last Seminar was delivered especially for CRCICA CEDR-accredited pool of mediation trainers under the title Training Techniques Seminar. The seminar was well received by trainers for having provided "a thorough and insightful display and assessment of Mediation models and accreditation schemes and standards".

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The Official Inauguration of the New CRCICA Hearing Centre
Dec 26 2013
The Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) celebrated the official inauguration of its new hearing centre on the evening of 26 December 2013. Ribbon-cutting was led jointly by Dr. Nabil Elaraby, the Secretary-General of the League Arab States, in his capacity as the Chairman of CRCICA Board of Trustees (BOT) and Coun. Adel Abdel Hamid in his capacity as the Minister of Justice of the Host State.
The event started by a stand in mourning of Dr. Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid, the former Secretary-General of the League of Arab States and the Honorary Chairman of CRCICA BOT who exerted valuable contributions during the establishment of CRCICA. Speeches were delivered by Dr. Nabil Elaraby, Dr. Hamza Haddad, Former Jordanian Minister of Justice and Vice Chairman of CRCICA BOT and Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, CRCICA Director. Speakers highlighted the significant role of the Centre in the region since its inception in 1979. Dr. Abdel Raouf presented the chronology of CRCICA developmental phases over years.
The event was attended by a number of notable guests including Professor Hossam Issa, Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Higher Education, Coun. Amin El Mahdy, Egyptian Minister of Transitional Justice and National Reconciliation, Dr. Hassan Fahmy, who attended in his dual capacity as the President of General Authority of Investment (GAFI) and the official representative of the Egyptian Minister of Investment, in addition to a representative of the Egyptian Minister of Sports. From Lebanon, Dr. Nayla Comair Obeid, Member of CRCICA BOT and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), was in attendance.
The event also witnessed considerable diplomatic representation from a number of foreign embassies in Egypt being the embassies of France, China, Russia, Nigeria, Iraq and Libya. Several eminent lawyers, arbitrators and engineers were also among the participants.
In the course of the event, CRCICA honored the names of its founders and patrons over decades after whom the hearing rooms were named. The main hearing room is named after Coun. Dr. Mohamed Aboul-Enein, the former Director of CRCICA and the catalyst for its renaissance over more than 25 years. The second hearing room is named after Prof. Dr. Mohsen Shafik, the father of the Egyptian Arbitration Law and the academic Leader of the Centre. The third hearing room is named after Coun. Mamdouh Attia, the former Egyptian Minister of Justice and the official negotiator on behalf of the Government of the Host State during CRCICA establishment process under the auspices of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO). Mrs. Sawsan Attia, the wife of Coun. Mamdouh Attia and Mr. Ilhamy Shafiek, the nephew of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Shafik were in attendance.
The event was concluded by an open reception and free networking.

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Resolution of Construction Disputes
Dec 04 2013
On 4 December 2013, Eng. Dr. Sherif El Haggan delivered a lecture on "Resolution of Construction Disputes" in which he tackled the different means of dispute resolution of construction disputes including by adjudication, mediation and arbitration. The lecture attracted a big number of attendees from different backgrounds.
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