Past Trainings


Past Trainings

Mediation Training for the Distinguished Judges of the Economic Courts.
Feb 11 2022
CRCICA was honored to deliver a training throughout the months of January and February, to judges of the Economic Courts, which focused on the capacity building of 36 of the Egyptian judges to practice different ADR methods and efficient cases settlement within the project of developing the Economic Courts’ activity. The respectable judges were engaged in interactive discussions of real cases supported with relevant case studies, and effective training visual materials, presentations and handouts. A closing ceremony of the training was held at the Tanoak Hotel – El Sokhna to hand out the certificates to the judges with a successful completion of 55 hours of actual time spent. Trophies were also handed with a note of appreciation to all involved parties from CRCICA, Tetra Tech, US Aid and the Ministry of Justice.  
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Training on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
Feb 19 2022
On 19 February 2022, Dr Ismail Selim, Director of CRCICA, conducted an ADR training in French on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, with special emphasis on general and specifics of Arbitration to Tunisian Architects.
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Training for the Ganope Employees’
Jan 28 2022
In January 2022, CRCICA, in partnership with the South Valley Egyptian Petroleum Holding Company (Ganope) successfully conducted a professional first-class training for the employees of Ganope. The training took the form of 2 rounds of interactive sessions for 5 consecutive days for the first round followed by another 5 consecutive days for the second round and was delivered by Dr. Ismail Selim, Mr. Yasser Mansour, Mr. Mohamed Abdellatif, and Engineer Nagy Iskander. The training delivered upon three distinct modules related to the concession agreement, covered the procedures and justifications for offering the bid for exploration areas and the financial and technical evaluation, together with the steps of concluding the agreements and highlighting the foreign partner commitments and role during the exploration and research phases, while focusing as well on the commercial procedures and implementation.The Training has also tackled the drafting of arbitration clauses as well as the arbitration procedures. The training was principally held at Ganope’s premises, while CRCICA hosted the participants for a couple of days at its own premises, during which the trainers delivered a presentation and discussion on how to avoid the legal and technical disputes that may arise.   Screenshot 2022 10 16 161404
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10 01 2022
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Diplomatic Studies Institution – African Diplomats Course (TBC)
Jan 10 2022
On 10 January 2022, the Director of CRCICA, Dr. Ismail Selim visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of conducting a training course for African Diplomats at the Diplomatic Studies Institution. Dr. Ismail Selim presented his lecture in French about International Arbitration before 22 diplomats from diverse African nationalities including Mauritania, Togo, Senegal, Kono, Burundi, Comoros, Chad, Mali, Gabon, Burkina Faso, and Cameroon.  
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Image No6 CCATP Course
Training Course on Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice
Dec 19 2021

On 19-26 December 2021, the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) organized jointly with the CIArb Egypt Branch the third round of the Training Course on Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP) after the renewal of CRCICA’s license as an accredited Recognized Course Provider (RCP) in 2020.  The CCATP course is equivalent to the CIArb Module (I) on international arbitration and qualifies successful candidates to apply for the membership of the CIArb.

The course program covered the most important issues in international arbitration and ADR: overview of ADR mechanisms, arbitration agreements, arbitral tribunals, arbitral proceedings, arbitral awards and post-awards remedies.

The course was tutored by Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chair of Private International Law and Professor of International Arbitration at Cairo University, Founding Partner & Head of the International Arbitration, Construction, Oil & Gas and Projects Groups, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm; Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Attorney at Law, Partner and Head of the International Arbitration Group at Abdel Raouf Law Firm, Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch, Associate Professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of the CRCICA, Vice-Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch, Lecturer at Pantheon Sorbonne University Paris (Cairo Branch), and Dr. Dalia Hussein, Deputy Director of the CRCICA, Honorary Secretary of the CIArb Egypt Branch, Lecturer of Commercial and Maritime Law at the Faculty of Law Zagazig University and Adjunct Professor of Law at the American University in Cairo.

Reference texts comprised an unprecedented collection of documents including the most recent institutional rules, model and national laws, guidelines and code of ethics. It also included comparative state court decisions from the most pertinent jurisdictions, and a large number of analytical articles by renowned scholars and expert commentaries.

The examination included various questions and a complex mock case carefully prepared based on CRCICA’s accumulative experience over 40 years in the administration of arbitration cases. 37 Participants attended the course were mostly lawyers, civil and construction engineers and academics from Egypt, KSA, and UAE.

For the promotional video of the CAATP course, please click here

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