Past Trainings


Past Trainings

NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 44 34 256250
CRCICA / ABA Training Course on Effective Advocacy skills for Arbitration Practitioners, 12 December 2017
Dec 12 2017
NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 44 34 256250 On 12 December, under the ambitious CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers CLE Program, an interesting course was held on Effective Advocacy skills for Arbitration Practitioners. The Course unfolded a uniquely balanced combination of lectures and practice conducted by two expert tutors, Ms. Amani Khalifa, an arbitration practitioner and CEDR accredited mediator, and Ms. Antonia Birt, a senior associate in the international arbitration group of Freshfields. The keynote speech was delivered by Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chair of Private International Law and Professor of Dispute Resolution at Cairo University; Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm; Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration. Discussions focused on expert aspects of advocacy skills for arbitration, persuasive opening and closing submissions, effective cross-examination of fact witnesses and strategies for examination. In the practical sessions, participants were divided into groups and partook in mock opening followed by a mock witness cross-examination. Participants were majorly junior associates and fresh graduates and some paralegals were also in attendance. Interestingly, beside a majority of Egyptians, there were French and Libyan participants.
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NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 42 1 739049
IBA Arb40 Toolkit for Award Writing Training Program, 11 December 2017
Dec 11 2017
NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 42 1 739049 On 11 December 2017, CRCICA hosted the IBA Arb40 Toolkit for Award Writing Training Program which offered practical guidance and tips for writing a reasoned and enforceable award. The Program was presented by experienced instructors introducing four topics: Formal and Procedural Requirements of Arbitral Awards, Practical Considerations for Drafting an Award, Content of the Award, and Tips and Techniques for Drafting. A Practical Group Exercise followed where the participants were tasked with identifying certain flaws in the award and offering corrective suggestions. The training was concluded by Qs & As where Mr. Michael E. Schneider, Founding Partner, LALIVE, Geneva was the Guest Speaker. Click here for the training program agenda
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NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 39 2 770157
Young ICCA Workshop, 11 December 2017
Dec 11 2017
NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 39 2 770157 On 11 December 2017, CRCICA hosted a Young ICCA Workshop on: International Arbitration: Procedural Tactics and Strategies. The Workshop included two panels: 1- Tactical considerations for drafting written submissions. 2- Procedural applications and other strategic decisions. The keynote address on Procedural Tactics and Strategies was presented by Mr. Michael E. Schneider, Founding Partner, LALIVE, Geneva. Participants were young lawyers representing Egyptian law firms, universities, and Egyptian State Lawsuits Authority (ESLA). Young ICCA Workshop Agenda
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NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 43 54 290362
CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers Continuing Legal Education Program, 15 October – 8 November 2017
Oct 15 2017
NewsEvents 2018 04 18 15 43 54 290362 Basic Legal Skills Course CRCICA held the second Arabic Basic Legal Skills Course under the CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers CLE Program functioning since October 2016. The Program is a continuation of the ABA ROLI’s CLE scheme in Egypt which, ran under the US AID funds, from 2009 until September 2016. As of October 2016, ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI) and CRCICA started a new partnership to deliver self-funded CLE trainings for young lawyers in Egypt under the co-administration of both Institutions. The Basic Legal Skills Course is one of the most important component of the Program, featuring 7 training modules, each focuses on one basic legal skill; client interviewing, legal analysis, legal writing, negotiation, contract drafting, oral advocacy, and arbitration. At the end of the course, trainees participated at a moot arbitration. Held from 15 October till 8 November 2017, the course was delivered by seven qualified trainers all have passed the ABA’s Training of Trainers Course. Nine volunteering arbitrators ran the Arbitration Moot concluding the Course. Attendees were a mixture of junior practicing lawyers, legal interns, and fresh graduates. It is worth noting that CRCICA exclusively developed a detailed course administration manual with comprehensive guiding documents, evaluation forms, and systematic guiding instructions to insure the smooth administration of the course in all its stages and to constantly increase its learning outcomes.
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NewsEvents 2018 04 23 12 14 44 611452
Managing Delay Damages in Construction Contracts Seminar, 11 October 2017
Oct 11 2017
NewsEvents 2018 04 23 12 14 44 611452 On 11 October 2017, the Cairo Branch of the CIArb, jointly with CRCICA, organized a Training Course on Managing Delay Damages in Construction Contracts. The Course presented a thorough understanding of construction delay damages, as the source of frequent claims and disputes, under both the common law and civil law systems in order to properly manage the application of the delay damages in construction contracts. The agenda included a combination of lectures, case studies and Qs&As. Course tutors were Dr. Salwa Fawzy, Contracts Associate Director at Dar Al Mimar Group, Mountain View and Dr. Tarek Hamed Founder and Managing Director of DAR for Engineering Contracts. The participation profile of this Course reflected nearly all professional segments involved in the construction industry including developers, contractors, consulting engineers/contract managers, construction consultancy firms and lawyers. Petroleum companies were also well represented.
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