A hybrid-based event titled “2024 Tokyo forum on Dispute Resolution, Enhancing credibility, certainty and enforceability of international dispute resolution” co-organized by UNCITRAL: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law , International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the Japanese Ministry of Justice that took place on Wednesday 13 March 2024.
The hybrid event included 2 sessions, the first session related to ICSID, which discussed the Code of Conduct for Arbitrators in International Investment Disputes, Practice under the new ICSID Awards and Annulment in the ICSID System. The second session related to UNCITRAL session titled “UNCITRAL’s project on stocktaking of developments in dispute resolution in the digital economy (DRDE)”. The second session focused on “Electronic Arbitral Awards”, “Electronic Notices of Arbitration” and “Dispute Resolution on online platforms”.
Dr. Mohamed Hafez, PhD, FCIArb, Associate Director for Legal Affairs at CRCICA, participated in the second session in the panel discussing “Electronic Notices of Arbitration” between 17:30 to 18:10 (JST). Dr. Hafez provided a quick overview on CRCICA, its new Arbitration Rules 2024 that entered into force on 15 January 2024 and some of its newly added provisions including consolidation of arbitrations, Emergency Arbitrator Rules, Expedited Arbitration Rules, early dismissal of claims, multiple contracts and third party funding. Dr. Hafez also mentioned that the New Arbitration Rules aim to encourage and enhance the use of technology in arbitration proceedings in cases administered by the CRCICA through the possibility of Online Filing for an Urgent Application under the Emergency Arbitrator Rules, as well as the possibility of the online filing of the notice of arbitration, as well as the response to the notice of arbitration. Dr. Hafez also provided a special focus on the newly added Article 2, paragraph 4, subparagraph(c) of the New 2024 Rules.
The hybrid event was very successful with several participants attending with a handful of comments and discussions elaborated on by the panelists.