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Acknowledgement to Dr. Mohi Eldin Alam Eldin, the CRCICA’s “Quill Pen”


CRCICA owes sincere tribute to prominent figures who significantly contributed to its enduring reputation and esteemed quality. Dr. Mohi Eldin Alam Eldin stands among the forefront of those who portrayed CRCICA visage to the international world of publications. He was named the CRCICA’s “Quill Pen” by Former Director Dr. Abdelraouf.

Dr. Alam Eldin started his streaming contributions to CRCICA as a Legal Advisor in 1998. Earlier, in 1996 Dr. Alam Eldin launched a series of articles in the most famous Egyptian Economic journal “Al Ahram Al Iqtisadi”; introducing the notion and aspects of “arbitration” and “arbitration under CRCICA”. Those articles played a major role in spreading the culture of arbitration in Egypt and the Middle East, especially since the issuance of the Egyptian Arbitration Law in 1994.

Dr. Alam Eldin is the author and caretaker of most of CRCICA publications’ legacy. Starting from 2002, Dr. Alam Eldin has authored a series of “Arbitral Awards of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration” in both the English and the Arabic languages, totaling 11 volumes (seven in Arabic and 4 in English). An exemplar of those publications is the “Construction Arbitral Awards Rendered under the Auspices of CRCICA”. In general, the said Volumes cover the awards rendered under the auspices of the CRCICA since 1984 and onwards. They include excerpts of the most important awards rendered under the auspices of the Centre and commentaries on the issues they raise. Dr. Alam El Din is working to release the 12th volume of CRCICA Awards in 2018.

He is also the Chief Editorial Advisor of the “Journal of Arab Arbitration”; the first journal related to arbitration in the region. Thanks to Dr. Alam Eldin dedicated efforts over decades, CRCICA’s vital role and contributions in the international commercial arbitration community was highlighted, in addition to the excellent information and guidance his publications provided for arbitrators, counsels, academics, judges and scholars worldwide.

Dr. Alam Eldin’s contributions to the Egyptian legal scholarship is not limited to arbitration, since he also published important treaties on the Egyptian commercial and banking laws.

The serious and honest devotion of Dr. Alam Eldin career path is not limited to his professional caliber but is echoed as well in his noble spirit and friendly attitude with CRCICA teamwork along his curriculum profile. Further publications are still expected from Dr. Alam Eldin.

Further interesting information about Dr. Alam Eldin can be reached at website link


 Posted in News
 Published on Apr 01 2017

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