CIArb Egypt Branch Third Committee Meeting

The third Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was conducted virtually on 28 September 2021.  Members approved the Agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 7 July 2021.   Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, presented the Branch Development Plan 2022; Dr. Ismail Selim, Honorary Treasurer, presented the Branch Budget 2022.  Branch members shared views on the topics of the Branch events in 2022 as they were invited to contribute to the Branch Development Plan through a poll survey.  Committee Members discussed and approved the Branch Development Plan and Budget 2022.

Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf presented the Branch the new social networking activities aiming to encourage communication with Branch members including, the Branch YouTube Channel, the promotional and wrap-up videos of the Branch events on the Branch LinkedIn page, as well as the LinkedIn Performance Report to measure the involvement with the Branch activities and the members’ feedback. He also pointed out that the Membership Directory was being linked to the Branch webpage, and that   Members were also able to update their profiles at the Branch Directory on the newly initiated Branch WhatsApp group

The Branch Chair also presented a brief on CIArb Branch Chair MENA region virtual  Meeting with CIArb Director General held on 12 July 2021.  The Branch Honorary Treasurer presented a brief on CIArb Branch Treasurers’ virtual Meeting with CIArb Assistant Director of Finance, Planning and Reporting held on 12 July 2022.  Members discussed the activities of the Branch first Cycle of Mentoring Programme, and upcoming events including, the CIArb ARM and  Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP) courses, joint CRCICA/Egypt Branch launch event of CRCICA’s Dispute Board Rules, Wednesday One events. They also suggested holding seminars to introduce the most important recent publications interesting the members of the Branch, and a networking meeting for members of the First Cycle of the Mentoring Programme in Q1 2022.  The next Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 30 November 2021.  The Branch Annual General Meeting was scheduled on 22 March 2022.

 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 28 2021

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