CRCICA Advisory Committee Third Meeting in 2014

The CRCICA Advisory Committee (AC) held its Third quarterly meeting in 2014 on 29 September: Chaired by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sadek El Kosheri (Chairman – Egypt) and attended by the following members: Judge Dr. Adel Koura (Egypt), Coun. Dr. Borhan Amrallah (Egypt), Prof. Dr. Fathi Waly (Egypt) Prof. Dr. Hossam ISSA (Egypt) Dr. Karim Hafez (Egypt), Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Samir El Sharkawy (Egypt) Dr. Mohamed Salah Abdel Wahab (Egypt) and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Badran (Egypt).

Among other businesses, the Committee discussed the Centre’s institutional policy regarding the registration of cases based on arbitration agreements referring disputes to arbitral institutions that no longer exist, are inoperative or fictitious. Also, the phenomenon of sham arbitral institutions and the role of the Centre in this respect were discussed.

The next AC quarterly meeting is scheduled to take place in December 2014.


 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 29 2014

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