CRCICA new appointments and promotions

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On the 1st of September 2017, CRCICA’ Director issued many decisions including new appointments and promotions of a number of CRCICA staff to various positions, all scaled at the international-officer rank according to Article 8 of the Headquarter Agreement concluded between AALCO and the Egyptian Government in 1987.

Dr. Dalia Hussein was appointed as Deputy Director of the Centre. Dr. Hussein is a university Professor and worked as a prosecutor before joining private practice. She has substantial expertise as Counsel in high profile commercial and investment arbitration and has published several articles in Egyptian and international learned journals in Arabic, English and French.

Mr. Said Hassanein was promoted to Associate Director and Head of Administrative and Financial Affairs Department. Mr. Hassanein joined the Centre in 1984 and witnessed its establishment with Dr. Esmat Abdel Meguid and Dr. Mohamed Aboul-Enein, till its current expansion.

Mr. Khaled Osman was promoted to Associate Director and Head of Dispute Management Department. Mr. Osman joined the Centre in 1989. He later joined the Dispute Management Department then took office as the Head of the Department in 2004 and has managed a large number of high profile institutional and ad hoc arbitrations in English and Arabic.

Mrs. Wissam Elmolla was promoted to Associate Director, and Head of Conferences, Training and External Relations Department. Mrs. Elmolla has joined the Centre since 1994 and held the position of Head of Conferences and External Relations Department that she established in 2005. She has unparalleled expertise, in planning and organizing conferences, in the regional community of arbitration. She is the Secretary of the Cairo Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators since 1999 and has been appointed as the Manager of the CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers Continuing Legal Education Program as of 2017.

Mr. Remon Ramzy was promoted to Counsel, in addition to his position as Deputy Head of Dispute Management Department. Mr. Ramzy managed a large number of institutional and ad-hoc arbitration cases and was appointed in 2008 as Deputy of the Head of the Dispute Management Department.

Ms. Heba Salem was also promoted to Counsel. Ms. Salem joined CRCICA in 2008 and managed a large number of arbitration and mediation cases. She is a PHD candidate at Cairo University and writes regularly at the Journal of Arab Arbitration.

 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 01 2017

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