CRCICA Recent Caseload: Third Quarter of 2017

NewsEvents 2018 01 22 10 28 56 156908

The total number of cases filed before CRCICA until 30 September 2017 reached 1204 cases. In the third quarter of 2017, 12 new cases were filed, compared to 30 new cases filed in the third quarter of 2016.

The Centre’s caseload in the third quarter of 2017 involved disputes related to lease agreements, contracts for works, construction, management agreements, share purchase agreements and real estate purchase agreements.

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Two contracts related to the lease of hotel properties.

One case related to contracts for works in a building in Alexandria, while four cases related to construction contracts. The first case concerned a contract for the construction and implementation of electro-mechanical works in plants located in Suez. The second case related to the construction and installation of steel works in a plant located at the Economic and Industrial zone in Ain-Sokhna. The third case related to the construction of a residential building in Asyut. The fourth case related to the construction of 8 residential buildings in Alexandria.

Two cases related to the enforcement and rescission of share purchase agreements respectively.

Two cases related to management contracts. The first case involved an agreement for the management of several parking zones in Cairo. The other case involved an agreement for the management of a school located in the Fifth Settlement, New Cairo.

The remaining case involved a real estate purchase agreement in Al Mouqattam, in Cairo.

Cases filed in the third quarter of 2017 involved parties from Egypt, a party from the United Kingdom and 2 parties whose main shareholders are from the United Arab Emirates and India.

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The third quarter of 2017also witnessed the appointment of arbitrators coming from Egypt, Lebanon, France, United Kingdom, and the United States. In implementation of its regional diversity policy, the Centre has appointed a notable Nigerian arbitrator in a case where it was acting as appointing authority.

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Amongst the 12 cases filed in this quarter, ten cases were conducted in Arabic and two cases were conducted in English.

The third quarter of 2017 also witnessed the filing of a mediation case related to an infrastructure construction contract in Ismailia between a French Company and three companies from Egypt and Italy.

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 Posted in News
 Published on Sep 30 2017

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