First Webinar on: Mediation as an Efficient and Effective Alternative for the Resolution of Disputes

In an interactive discussion-format, Ms. Fatma Ibrahim, Mediation Special Advisor to the CRCICA (Egypt), and Mr. Fehmi Karami, Mediator, International Arbitrator, and Trainer on Mediation (Lebanon), delivered a virtual overview of “Mediation as an efficient and effective alternative for the resolution of disputes” on 15 May 2023. Discussions approached mediation, its different types and styles, selection and role of the mediator, and the mediation phases. Questions from the floor covered mediation legislation in Arab countries, judicial mediation, ethics in mediation and the distinction between mediation and conciliation. The webinar was attended by about 100 attendees from England, Egypt, France, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Kuwait, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunis, the UAE and Yemen.

 The event was the first of series of webinars on mediation scheduled to be organized and hosted by the CRCICA. To watch the recording of the webinar, please click here:

 Posted in News
 Published on May 15 2023

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