The Appointment of New Members to CRCICA’s Board of Trustees

As of May 1st, 2012, CRCICA has new members appointed to its Board of Trustees (“BOT”).

The new BOT shall confirm CRCICA’s position as a leading regional arbitral institution and a major administrator of international arbitration cases.

CRCICA’s BOT consists of ten (10) members at least and thirty (30) members at the most to be appointed from amongst eminent African and Asian personalities specialized in the fields of international arbitration, law, business, trade, investment and international relations. The BOT includes up to 20% of its members from outside the Afro – Asian Region from amongst figures specialized in the aforementioned fields.

The term of the current BOT is four years, which may be renewed once for a similar term, unless otherwise determined due to special circumstances. The current Chairman of the BOT is his Excellency Dr. Nabil Elaraby, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States and Judge, International Court of Justice (2001-2006).

The BOT shall carry out, in particular, the following functions:

  1. Appointing the Director of the Centre in consultation with AALCO for a four-year term, which may be renewed once for a similar term, unless otherwise determined due to special circumstances. The Director shall continue to hold office until a new Director is appointed;
  2. Setting down the general policy for achieving the objectives of the Centre;
  3. Ratifying the Auditor ‘s report for each fiscal year;
  4. Approving and supervising the implementation of the annual action plan of the Centre;
  5. Adopting the Arbitration, Mediation and other Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Rules and procedures under the auspices of the Centre, as well as any amendments thereto;
  6. Approving the Centre’s standards regarding the selection of arbitrators, mediators, conciliators and experts for disputes conducted under its auspices, especially those regarding which the Centre acts as the appointing authority;
  7. Approving the panels of international arbitrators, conciliators and technical experts of the Centre, as well as any necessary amendments (additions or omissions thereto);
  8. Deciding on matters referred thereto by the Advisory Committee of the Centre.

The current members of the BOT are (in alphabetical order):


Prof. Dr. Georges ABI-SAAB

Emeritus Professor of international Law, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva; Member of the Institute of international Law; Former Judge on the Appeals Chamber, ICTY-ICTR; Former Member and sometime President of the Appellate Body, WTO; Judge ad hoc, ICJ and Member or President of various international arbitral tribunals (ICSID, PCA, ICC, CRCICA, UNCITRAL, etc.)


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kamal ABUL MAGD

International lawyer and arbitrator; former Vice-President of the National Council for Human Rights; Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law (Cairo University); Former Vice-President of the World Bank Court in Washington; Former Minister of Public Media; Former Minister of Youth; Commissioner of the League of Arab States for a dialogue of civilizations; Former Cultural Counselor at the Embassy of Egypt in Washington.


Dr. Ali Bin Fetais AL MARRI

Attorney General of Qatar (Minister Rank); Head of the Legal Department in Al Diwan Al Amiri (Vice Minister grade) (Since Oct. 1998); Legal Expert in Al Diwan al Amiri & Vice General Secretary in the Council of Ministers (June 1997 – October 1998); Legal Expert in Al Diwan Al Amiri (June 1997 – October 1998); Legal Researcher in His Highness Office (1996-1997); Professor of International Law, Qatar University (Since 1997); Member and Rapporteur, the Qatar Commission on Permanent Constitution; Member UN International Law Commission (Since 2002, re-elected Nov. 2006); Head of the Qatar Committee for Clearance of International Contracts and Agreements involving the State of Qatar.


Dr. Bandar Salman AL SAUD

PHD, Public International Law; Advisor to the custodian of the two holy mosques king Abdulla Bin Abdul Aziz, Minister Rank; President of the Saudi Arbitration Group; Member of law faculty, Oxford University, U.K; Member of King Abdul Aziz University; Saudi Representative in the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Hague; Saudi Representative in ICC, Paris; Head of National Committee for Trade Arbitration in the ICC; Member of The International Law Association Committee on Commercial Arbitration – London.



Principal, The Law Office of Ziad A. Al-Sudairy (1988); Founder, CO of Bateel Inc.; President/Partner, Badrahn Enterprises; Member, the Board of Directors, Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma’aden) (1418/1997); Member, the Board of Directors of J.P. Morgan Saudi Arabia Limited (2011); Member, the Yale law School Middle East Legal Studies Seminar (2005); President, Abdulrahman Al-Sudairy Foundation, a non-profit cultural organization headquartered in Al-Jouf, Saudi Arabia (1403/1983); Chairman of the Board, United Gulf Steel Mill Company Limited (1997-2008); Member, Higher Advisory Board, Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Charity Foundation (1997-2007); Member, Consultative Assembly (Meglis Al-Shoura) – (1993-2005).


Prof. James CRAWFORD

Whewell Professor of International Law, University of Cambridge and Professor of Law at La Trobe University, Melbourne. As a member of the UN International Law Commission, he was responsible for its work on the International Criminal Court and for completing the Articles on State Responsibility. In addition to scholarly work on statehood, collective rights, investment law and international responsibility, he has appeared frequently before the International Court of Justice and other international tribunals.


Prof. Bernardo M. CREMADES

Senior partner of the Spanish law firm B. Cremades y Asociados and Catedrático of Universidad de Madrid; Former President of the Spanish Court of Arbitration; Member of the International Council of Commercial Arbitration (ICCA); Member of the Institute of World Business Law of the ICC; Member of the Spanish Arbitration Club; Member of CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution; Member of the Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage; Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Member and former Vice President of the LCIA; Former President of the Arbitration Committee of the International Bar Association.


Dr. Abdel Hamid EL AHDAB

Holder of a PhD in Law from Paris V University; Attorney at law in Beirut and Paris; Publisher of the “World Journal of Arbitration” issued quarterly in the Arabic language; Author of the “Encyclopedia of Arbitration” in 4 volumes; Author of the book on : “Arbitration with The Arab Countries”; President of the Arab Association for International Arbitration in Paris; International arbitrator.


Dr. Mohamed EL BARADEI

Former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from December 1997 until November 2009; IAEA staff member from 1984, holding a number of high-level policy positions, including that of Legal Adviser and subsequently Assistant Director General for External Relations; Doctorate in International Law at New York University School of Law in 1974; Served in the Permanent Missions of Egypt to the United Nations in New York and Geneva; Senior fellow in charge of the International Law Program at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research; From 1981 to 1987, he was also an Adjunct Professor of International Law at the New York University School of Law; He belongs to a number of professional associations, including the International Law Association and the American Society of International Law; Dr. El Baradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (October 2005).


Prof. Dr. Yehia EL GAMAL

Professor of Law in the Faculty of Law at Cairo University since 1975; Practicing Attorney of Law and head of one of the country’s largest Legal establishments, El-Gamal Law Firm; Member of the International Court of Arbitration in Paris; Former Deputy Prime Minister (2011), Former Minister of State and Administrative Reform (1974 – 1975); Former member of the People’s Assembly.


Prof. Dr. Aly H. EL GHATIT

International Lawyer and Arbitrator; Professor of Transnational and Comparative Economic Law and Private International Law; Vice-President, Egyptian Society of International Law (Cairo); Member of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Society for Political Economy and Legislation; Member of the Board of Directors of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers since 1980; Member of the Egyptian Legislative Commission on Arbitration Act of 1994.


Prof. Dr. Ahmed S. EL KOSHERI

Member of the “Institut de Droit International”; Former President of Senghor University (Alexandria); Former Vice-President of the ICC Court of Arbitration.


Coun. Mohamed Amin EL MAHDY

Honorary President of the Egyptian Conseil d’Etat ; Former Judge, the International Criminal Tribunal, The Hague; Lecturer in the International Human Rights Law and International Rumanian Law.


Prof. Dr. Hamza HADDAD

LL.B. (University of Damascus, 1971); LL.M. and Doctor of Laws (Cairo University, 1976); Ph.D. in Commercial Law (University of Bristol, 1985); Lecturer of civil and commercial law at the University of Jordan; Former Secretary-General of the Arab Union of International Arbitration (AUIA); Member of the Board of Trustees of Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC); Conciliator representing Jordan on the list of the ICSID; Partner and manger of the Law and Arbitration Center since its establishment in Amman, Jordan, 1985 and the Arab Institute for Arbitration and ADR (Amman – Jordan); Former Minister of Justice in Jordan; Attorney at law (1985-present).


Coun. Dr. Adel F. KOURA

Former President of the Egyptian Court of Cassation and President of the Egyptian Supreme Judicial Council; Former Assistant to the Egyptian Minister of Justice for Legislative Affairs; Former Judge at the Kuwaiti Court of Appeal; Former Head of the Technical Office of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Justice; Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Assiut, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ennaba, Algeria; Member or President of various arbitral tribunals.



Avocat au Barreau de Paris; President of the Comité Français d’Arbitrage; Lecturer on International Commercial Arbitration and International Trade Law at University of Panthéon-Assas, Paris II (France); acted as Arbitrator (co-Arbitrator, Sole Arbitrator or Chairman of the Arbitral Tribunal)/or Expert in numerous international arbitrations; Counsel for private and public entities in international commercial and investment arbitrations under the aegis of the ICC, LCIA, CRCICA, UNCITRAL, ICSID and DIAC; He is the author of numerous legal publications on arbitration.


Dr. Nayla Comair OBEID

Founding partner Obeid Law Firm; Holder of a PHD in Business Law from University Paris II (Assas); Professor of international arbitration at the Lebanese University; Fellow (FCIArb) and chartered arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Chairman of the Lebanese branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; commissioner of the United Nations Compensation Commission, Geneva; Member of Council of the Institute of World Business Law of the ICC; Author of the Law of Business Contracts in the Middle East (Kluwer Law) and of numerous publications in Arabic, French and English covering a great number of legal fields, including international contracts and international arbitration.


Judge Hisashi OWADA

President of the International Court of Justice in The Hague (2009-2012); President of the Japan Institute of International Affairs; Professor of Law and Organization at Waseda University Graduate School in Japan; Legal Adviser of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then later Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs; Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Japan to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris, and Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations in New York; Professor of international law and organization at Tokyo University for 25 years since 1963, and at the law schools of Harvard University, Columbia University, and New York University.


Prof. Dr. Fouad A. RIAD

Professor of Law Cairo University; Attorney at Law; Ph.D. Law, Paris University 1954; M.A. Law, Cambridge University 1952; Licence en Droit, Cairo University 1948Private International Law- Comparative Law- International Trade Law, Arbitrator and Counsel to parties before ICC Court of Arbitration – Arbitrator before the Euro Arab Arbitration System; Author of numerous books and articles in private international and international trade law in Arabic and English; Former President of the Egyptian Society of International Law; Former Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 1995; Member of the Institut de droit international where he served as Vice President, 1993-1995; Chaired the Plenary Committee of the UN Conference on State Succession to Treaties, 1977-1978; member of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR)



Founding partner of LALIVE with more than 35 years as counsel in ad hoc proceedings and under various rules, including those of the ICC, ICSID, Swiss Rules, SCC, CRCICA, European Development Fund, UNCITRAL, and before other international bodies, including the WTO Appellate Body and the United Nations Compensation Commission; Arbitrator (chair, sole or co-arbitrator) under the rules of many institutions both in Switzerland and abroad; listed on the panels of arbitrators of the Swiss national committee of the ICC; President of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA); Vice Chair of the ICC Commission on Arbitration; Chairman, the UNCITRAL WG II (Arbitration) on the revision of the Arbitration Rules since 2006 and is a member of the executive committee of the DIAC; Director of Studies at the Centre for Studies and Research at the Hague Academy of International Law (Transnational Arbitration and State Contracts).


 Posted in News
 Published on May 01 2012

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