On 20 April 2017, CRCICA was represented by its Director at the Paris Symposium “Towards a Globalized Law of Arbitration” organized by Chambre arbitrale internationale de Paris, the research centre CEDIN at ParisNanterre University, the ComitΓ© franΓ§ais de l’arbitrage and the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). Dr. Selim intervened in the First Round Table titled “Arbitration Centres: From Competition to Cooperation”. He focused on the competition between arbitration centers as a healthy means to ensure providing better justice and highlighted the importance for all arbitral institutions to adopt and respect international standards of integrity and transparency Dr. Selim also outlined the suitability of CRCICA as an ideal neutral venue to administer cases involving European and Chinese parties. Dr. Selim also spoke about regionalization of arbitral institutions highlighting the role of regional centres especially in terms of familiarity and affordability. The symposium was attended by 100 representatives of arbitration institutions, law professors, lawyers and arbitrators. A report on the Symposium was published at the “Cahiers de l’Arbitrage” nΒ° 2-2017. To watch the Symposium and the debates,Β please click here