The Stock Market in Egypt, 29 November 2017

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Held on 29 November 2017, the CIArb Cairo Wednesday One Seminar titled “The Stock Market in Egypt” was delivered by Mr. Mohamed Farid, Chairman of the Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX). Mr. Farid presented the role of the stock market and its importance in the process of economic reform in Egypt. He outlined the mechanism and process of settling disputes in the stock market and focused on the role of the Investor Protection Fund which was established to cover the actual losses incurred by investors against non-commercial risks.

At the end of the lecture, Mr. Farid highlighted some features of the stock market’s future plans which include extending its role in financing national projects and relying on artificial intelligence and data mining techniques. Lively discussions were raised following the speech.

 Posted in Seminar
 Event date Nov 29 2017

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