Past Events


Past Events

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Seminar on: The Impact of Emerging Technologies on International Arbitration: Cybersecurity, Blockchain & Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence
Jan 30 2020

On 30 January 2020, the CIArb Egypt Branch jointly with CRCICA organized a seminar titled “The Impact of Emerging Technologies on International Arbitration: Cybersecurity, Blockchain & Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence” at CRCICA’s auditorium

The speaker was Mr. Brandon J Malone, LLM FCIArb FRICS, Solicitor Advocate, Brandon Malone & Company, Chairman, Scottish Arbitration Centre, Associate Member of Chambers at Quadrant Chambers, London and a Senior Legal Consultant with HFI Consulting and Legal Services with offices in Aberdeen and Dubai. The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Founding Partner & Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Oil & Gas, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm, Chair, Private International Law and Professor of Dispute Resolution, Cairo University, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and Member of the CRCICA Advisory Committee. The speech focused on three aspects of technological change; namely cybersecurity, blockchain & smart contracts, and artificial intelligence that have the potential to disrupt international arbitration.

Attendees were lawyers, construction attorneys, engineers, members of the judiciary, and students from Egypt and Japan.

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Seminar on the Development of International Law and Investment Arbitration in a New Era
Jan 14 2020

On 14 January 2020, CRCICA organized a seminar on “The development of International Law and Investment Arbitration in a New Era”, at CRCICA’s auditorium. The speaker was Ms. Annette Magnusson, Secretary General of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and General Counsel of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. Her speech focused on the role of international law and investment arbitration in light of globalization, climate change and digitalization.

Ms. Magnusson also addressed the relevance of the driving forces of change under three main topics: the changing demands on lawyers and international dispute resolution in an age of globalization; the potential use of international investment law, including investment arbitration, to address climate change; and how digitalization and a hyper-connected world offer new tools to develop international law. Frequent reference was made to the Stockholm Treaty Lab, a crowdsourcing competition initiated by the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce that challenged many teams to design an international policy encouraging investments which meet the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement. Ms. Magnusson commented:

In an environment governed by globalization, the manner in which frameworks for international arbitration develops – be it on regional, national or international level – must be responsive, attentive and open to change. This is to enable international arbitration to continue to be that oil in the machinery for international trade, economic development and – ultimately – peace.”

Ms. Annette Magnusson

Participants represented the Egyptian State Lawsuit Authority, Egyptian General Investment Authority (GAFI), and members of law firms from Egypt, Germany, Ireland, and Yemen.

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Seminar on: The Art of “Claimsmanship” in the Construction Industry
Dec 16 2019

On 16 December 2019, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar titled "The Art of Claimsmanship in the Construction Industry". The speakers were Eng. Ayman El-Ghazzawi, Managing Director of Value Metric Consultants (VMC), a company regulated by RICS, Eng. Hossam Kandeel, NBK Project Manager and Project Management Consultant, and Eng. Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Vice Chairman of the CIArb Egypt Branch and Contracts Director of Hill International Africa. The seminar was moderated by Eng. Dr. Salwa Fawzi, Commercial Director at Elsewedy Industrial Development. The seminar started with a moment of remembrance of two of the Branch Committee members, who passed away in October 2019, namely Mrs. Wissam El Molla, Former Branch Honorary Secretary, and Eng. Tamer Nabieh, Former Branch Treasurer. The seminar then delved into claims tactics used by contractors and employers in the construction industry from the contracts, by Dr. Waleed, cost, by Eng. Ayman, and scheduling, by Eng. Hossam perspectives. Although the tactics were based on the 1992 article by US Claims Consultant, James Zack, the presenters reflected on these tactics - and added new ones - while drawing from their own experiences.

The event was attended by 99 participants from Egypt, Jordan and Libya representing construction and private sector companies, and members of law firms. Particularly significant, this event was remotely attended, through live webinar, by 12 engineering professionals and members of arbitration and ADR institutions in Jordan. The nearly 2-hour seminar was followed by a one-hour session of stimulating questions and answers.

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Second Young CRCICA Forum on Why Arbitrate?
Nov 27 2019

Following the successful launch event of the Young CRCICA Forum on 27 March 2019, CRCICA organized the Second Young CRCICA Forum: Why Arbitrate? on 27 November 2019. Similar to youth forums of other international arbitral institutions, Young CRCICA aims to aid the younger generations the chance to develop their skills, gain knowledge, network with experienced practitioners, and understand arbitral procedure and other dispute resolution services.

The introductory speech was delivered by Dr. Ismail Selim, CRCICA’s Director, and H.H. Prince Dr. Bandar Ben Salman Al- Saud, President of the Saudi Arbitration Group, Vice-Chairman of CRCICA Board of Trustees. Their speech emphasized the importance of the younger generations in taking the chance to participate in the Young CRCICA Forum, while the keynote speech was delivered by Mr. Yasser Mansour, Lawyer before the Court of Cassation, Partner and Manager of Mansour Law Office. Mr. Mansour focused on “The Role of the Party Appointed Arbitrator from his/her appointment until the Rendering of the Arbitral Award”.

The event was conducted in an interactive panel discussion moderated by Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Counsel and Legal Advisor to the Director, CRCICA, and Vice-Chairman, Young CRCICA. Panelists, from Egypt, Nigeria, UAE, and USA provided answers to questions focusing on the privileges of arbitration and impartiality of arbitrators. Following the session, interesting discussions in relation to inter alia, challenges facing the arbitral institutions, other ADR techniques such as mediation, and sport arbitration were conducted by the attendees. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Attorney at Law, Partner, Abdel Raouf Law Firm, (Egypt) concluded by providing a practical advice to the younger generation lawyers and future arbitrators, while the closing remarks were delivered by Mr. Abdallah El Shehaby, Senior Partner, Ibrachy Legal Consultancy (Egypt), Vice-Chairman, Young CRCICA.

The Forum witnessed a diversity of attendees from Bahrain, Cameroon, China, Egypt, France, Jordan, KSA, Nigeria, and Syria. Participants were young legal practitioners (partners, councils, senior lawyers, and associates), judges, members of the State Lawsuit Authority and the State Council, academics, university and pre master students, contract administrators as well as representatives of the banking, GAFI, and telecommunications sectors.

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Seminar on: The Egyptian Courts and the New York Convention in 60 Years
Nov 06 2019

On 6 November 2019, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar titled: The Egyptian Courts and the New York Convention in 60 Years. The speaker was Mr. Ibrahim Shehata, Partner, Shehata & Partners, LL.M, New York University (NYU), Assistant Lecturer, Cairo University. The seminar was moderated by Ambassador Mohamed Mustafa Kamal, Former Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Attorney at Law, MCIArb, and Member of the Egypt Branch Committee. Mr. Shehata focused on some controversial aspects of the New York Convention and how the Egyptian Courts dealt with them inter alia, the law applicable to the validity of foreign arbitration agreements, the effect of the misinterpretation of some articles of the Convention, and the interest rates in the Egyptian Public Policy.

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The presentation was well received by the participants who raised lively discussions related to the validity of the electronic means of transmission of the arbitration agreement under the Convention, and whether Egyptian courts could rely on the official English text of the Convention to void misinterpretations. 96 participants attended the seminar being lawyers, judges, contract mangers, engineers, professors and academics, researchers, fresh graduates, and students. Attendees came from Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

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