Training Course on International Commercial Arbitration, Riyadh, KSA
The Riyadh Chamber of Commerce & Industry in partnership with the Cairo Regional Center For International Commercial Arbitration - CRCICA organized in Riyadh, KSA a Four rounds training course on “Qualifying the Commercial Arbitrator” to cover, in details, the procedures of the arbitration process.
The first round was held from 10th to 13th November 2019, which focused on the arbitration agreement, arbitration clause and the arbitration terms of reference, while the second round held from 1st to 4th December 2019 and focused on the constitution & challenging of the arbitral tribunal. The third and fourth rounds held from 26th to 29th January and 23rd to 26th February 2020 focused respectively on the arbitration procedures, the arbitration award and post-arbitral proceedings.
Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of CRCICA conducted the training of the Four rounds and gladly handed the certificates to the Saudi Lawyers.

CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers Continued Legal Education Program,
CRCICA held the Basic Legal Skills Course under the CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers CLE Program during October 2019.
The program was conducted in October 2016 as a continuation of the ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI)’s CLE scheme in Egypt, which ran under the US AID funds from 2009 until September 2016.
7 qualified trainers delivered the modules of the course, namely: client interviewing, legal analysis, legal writing, negotiation, contract drafting, oral advocacy and arbitration, while 12 volunteering arbitrators ran the Arbitration Moot that was organized at the end of the course with 30 attendees from Azerbaijan, Bahrain, and Egypt of junior practicing lawyers, contract specialists, legal interns, and fresh graduates.
The certificates’ ceremony was preceded by a speech by CRCICA’s Director, Dr. Ismail Selim, mourning the loss of Mrs. Wissam El Molla, the Associate Director, Head of Conferences, Training and External Relations Department, and Manger of the CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers Program. Dr. Selim outlined the role of Mrs. El Molla in concluding the CRCICA/ABA partnership in 2009 to provide continuing legal education for the Egyptian Legal Community. Dr. Selim also added that the Program was identified in 2016 as one of the most successful CLE programs in Egypt; and expressed that the passing away of Mrs. El Molla is an exorbitant loss to the CRCICA and all its members; being a role model for dedication, intelligence, loyalty and perfectionism.

African Union Training Course on the Settlement of Disputes: The African Continental Free Trade Area
During the week of 13-17 May 2019, CRCICA hosted and co-organized a Training Course on “the Settlement of Disputes: The African Continental Free Trade Area”. Organized by the African Union (“AU”), the training aimed at raising the capacities of AU member states in arbitration and alternative dispute settlement mechanisms, especially in light of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
Conducted in the form of interactive discussions allowing maximum exchange of views, the agenda focused on investment and commercial arbitration, appointment of arbitrators, enforcement of arbitral awards, the WTO and the future for Africa. It also discussed the AfCFTA, the Pan African Investment Code, and the negotiations of dispute settlement instruments. Opening and closing speeches were delivered by her Excellency Ambassador Dr. Namira Negm, Legal Counsel of the AU. Speakers included eminent professors of the Universities of Cairo and Geneva, members of the ICC, ICSD, and UNCTAD. Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Counsel, Legal Advisor to the Director presented an overview on CRCICA’s structure, facilities, activities, and recognitions. Participants were diplomats and legal public officials from 25 African countries namely; Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Gana, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Saharawi Arab Republic, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, in addition to some of the AU Legal Office Staff

Training Course on the Arbitral Award, 3-6 March 2019, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dr. Selim delivered the course on drafting arbitral award and procedural orders. The training course was organized jointly by Dar ElKarar & ADCAC, with focus on new UAE law of 2018. The training was attended by Lawyers, Engineers from the UAE, KSA, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia.

CIArb Course on Expert Witness in international Arbitration, 24 – 25 December 2017