CRCICA Participated in the German-Egyptian Expert talks on arbitration, 19 – 23 November 2012, Cologne Germany

CRCICA was invited to the German-Egyptian expert talks on arbitration, which was organized by the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and hosted by the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) in Cologne, Germany from 19 to 23 November 2012. Along with a group of Egyptian judges from the Ministry of Justice and the Cairo Economic Court, CRCICA Legal Advisor Inji Fathalla attended the Working Group.

The meeting featured presentations on the legal framework of arbitration in Egypt and Germany as well as the arbitral experiences of both Egyptian and German institutions for international arbitration. The functioning of the DIS was presented in details. This included explanation of the conflict management technique, which is meant to determine the best method of settling a given dispute. Also, the functioning and advantages of the DIS expedited proceedings were highlighted.

On behalf of CRCICA, Ms. Fathalla presented an overview of the organization and arbitral experience of the Centre as well as its current and future projects. Attendees from both the German and the Egyptian sides were particularly interested in CRCICA’s rising mediation and recent hosting of a CAS Alternative Hearing Centre. CRCICA’s participation in this working group was very functional in fostering relations with DIS as well as members of German legal community.

A follow up seminar on Arbitration is scheduled to take place in Cairo on 27-28 January 2012.

 Posted in News
 Published on Nov 23 2012

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