Past Trainings


Past Trainings

Sep 01 2013
The third module of CRCICA's Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP) was held on 1-3 September 2013. Beside traditional topics pertaining to the arbitral proceedings such as the commencement and conduct of proceedings, interim measures, cessation, suspension and termination of proceedings, the course tackled other important aspects of the arbitral proceedings. Examples of these aspects are: the determination of the rules applicable to the arbitral proceedings, the relationship between the selected procedural rules and the mandatory procedural provisions in the law of the place of arbitration as well as basic principles of pleadings before arbitration. Evidence in Arbitration was tackled intensively including the general rules of evidence, the rules applicable to the taking of evidence, the means of Evidence [writing - witness - experts (The Sachs Protocol) - Inspection], the production of documents [The Redfern Schedule], discovery, tribunal's discretion in weighing the evidence and finally the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration, May 2010). At the end of the module, a mock case was discussed in groups. It is notable that CRCICA launched CCATP in 2011 as the first comparative commercial arbitration course in the Arab region in cooperation with the Cairo Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). Tutors are Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, CRCICA Director, and Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Vice President of the Cairo Branch of the CIArb. What is unique about the CCATP tutorial methodology is that the two tutors have both Common Law and Civil Law backgrounds and they lecture together instead of separately to give participants a wide interactive legal exposure. ccitp0320131 ccitp0320133
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CCATP : Second Module: The Arbitral Tribunal, Cairo-Egypt,
Jun 02 2013
Held by CRCICA and CIArb Cairo, The Arbitral Tribunal: the second module of the Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP), was held on 2-4 June 2013. In this module, the Arbitral Tribunal was studied in depth as based on a big number of the most recent international decisions and institutional regulations. Participants had the chance to role play through a mock case designed to raise all top issues related to the composition and functioning of the arbitral tribunal. It is notable that CCATP has been recognized as a one of the kind program in the region with a simultaneous bilateral tutorial methodology that combines both systems, the Civil law and Common law systems. The four modules of the program are being held separately in a total of 14 days from March through December 2013. Upon completion of the program, in its four modules, participants will be eligible to apply for the now-open membership of CRCICA  
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ABA Training Courses on International Commercial Arbitration, Tunisia, 3-6 April 2013
Apr 03 2013
CRCICA was invited by the ABA Rule of Law Initiative, Tunisia Office to conduct two training courses in Arabic on international commercial arbitration for young Tunisian lawyers in two Tunisian cities Sfax from 3 to 4 April 2013 and Soussa from 5 to 6 April 2013. The courses were conducted in association with the Tunisian Association for Young Lawyers and the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). CRCICA Director and Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Vice-Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Cairo Branch), were the two experts who jointly conducted the courses (2 days each) covering four major phases of the arbitration process namely the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral proceedings and the arbitral award. The courses focused on the practical aspects of international commercial arbitration from a comparative perspective including the Tunisian law on Arbitration. Five mock cases were discussed by the participants (36 persons) at the end of each of the two courses. soussa2013s
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(CCATP): First Module: The Arbitration Agreement
Mar 03 2013
Held by CRCICA and CIArb Cairo, the 2013 round of the Comparative Arbitration Law: The Theory and Practice (CCATP) started on 3-5 March 2013 by the First Module: The Arbitration Agreement. The course was a balanced combination of lectures and tutorials. It provided participants with sufficient knowledge of the theory and practice in all the requirements for the writing and understanding of the arbitration agreement. Attendees were a mixture of lawyers, judges, engineers and governmental officials. Upon completion of the course, participants were invited to progress onto the composition of the arbitral tribunal Module scheduled to be held on 2-5 June 2013. CCATP has been recognized as a one of the kind program in the region with a bilateral tutorial methodology that combines both systems the civil law and common law systems. The four modules of the program are held separately in a total of 14 days from March through December 2013. Upon completion of the program, in its four modules, participants will be eligible to apply for the soon-to-open membership of CRCICA.  
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The ARBITRAL AWARD: Fourth Module in CRCICA’s Annual Arbitration Program, Cairo – Egypt
Dec 16 2012
The fourth module of CRCICA Annual Arbitration Program 2012 was held on 16-19 December 2012. In this module, "the Arbitral Award" was handled in depth as based on most recent court judgments in different jurisdictions. Reference documents included a huge collection of court decisions which were regularly updated, analytic articles, expert commentaries and a model arbitral award. In groups, participants drafted an arbitral award based on the facts of a mock case. With varying professional backgrounds, participants came from Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia.
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