Past Trainings


Past Trainings

NewsEvents 2018 01 28 12 36 39 981934
The Sixth Annual Training Course on “Comparative Commercial Arbitration, Theory and Practice”
Sep 17 2017
  NewsEvents 2018 01 28 12 36 39 981934

(equivalent to Module 2: Law of Arbitration), September 2017

CRCICA has held “the Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice” since 2011, as the first comparative arbitration program in the Arab World with a simultaneous bilateral tutorial methodology that combines Civil Law and Common Law systems. The program covers the main arbitration stages being the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral proceedings and finally the arbitral award. As of 2016, the course was accredited as an equivalent course to Module 2: Law of Arbitration qualifying for the membership of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). On 17-23 September 2017, the sixth annual round of the course was held and tutored by Dr. Ismail Selim, CRCICA Director, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Attorney at Law, Partner; Abdel Raouf Law Firm, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chair of Private International Law and Professor of Dispute Resolution at Cairo University; Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm; Vice-President, ICC International Court of Arbitration. 38 Participants were in attendance, who were mostly independent lawyers, judges, private sector in-house lawyers, government and public sector lawyers and engineers. Reference texts comprised an unprecedented collection of documents including comparative state court decisions of the European (British, French and Swiss), American and Arab (Egyptian, Saudi, Sudanese, Tunisian, Emirati, Iraqi and Syrian) jurisdictions; a unique collection of arbitration arbitral principles extracted from awards of many international arbitration institutions including CRCICA; national laws, model and institutional arbitration rules, international agreements and court judgments, the IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interest in International Arbitration, the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration, the IBA Guidelines for Drafting International Arbitration Clauses, analytical articles as well as expert commentaries. The last day of the program was fully devoted to assessments through a number of mock cases carefully prepared as based on CRCICA accumulative experience over 40 years nearly in the administration of arbitration cases. Assessments consisted of two sections, each composing of a number of questions and mock cases out of which participants have to define the legal problems and provide their legal opinion based on the course. Participants were also required to draft procedural decision. A take-home assignment, consisting of the drafting of a complete award, was also required. The course was a real success and was very well received as a unique comparative arbitration course qualifying practitioners to partake in international arbitrations under any jurisdictions.
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NewsEvents 2018 01 22 14 50 23 316012
CRCICA / ABA Distinguished Lawyers CLE Program: Basic Legal Skills Course, July 2017
Jul 02 2017
NewsEvents 2018 01 22 14 50 23 316012 On 2-27 July 2017, CRCICA held the first Arabic-language Basic Legal Skills Course under the CRCICA/ABA Distinguished Lawyers CLE Program functioning since October 2016 in continuation of the ABA ROLI’s CLE scheme in Egypt which, ran under the US AID funds, from 2009 until September 2016. As of October 2016, ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI) and CRCICA started a new partnership to deliver self-funded CLE trainings for young lawyers in Egypt under the co-administration of both institutions. The Basic Legal Skills Course is one of the most important component of the Program, featuring 7 training modules, each focuses on one basic legal skill; client interviewing, legal analysis, legal writing, negotiation, contract drafting, oral advocacy, and arbitration. At the end of the course, trainees participated at a moot arbitration. The course was delivered by seven qualified trainers all have passed the ABA’s Training of Trainers Course. Nine volunteering arbitrator ran the moot. Attendees were a mixture of junior practicing lawyers, legal interns, fresh graduates and some law students. It is worth noting that CRCICA exclusively developed a detailed course administration manual with comprehensive guiding documents, evaluation forms, and systematic guiding instructions to insure smooth administration of the course in all its stages and provide utmost benefit for current and future ABA ROLI courses' attendees.
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The Second Course on: The Contract and the Rules of Responsibility and Evidence
Jul 10 2017
NewsEvents 2018 01 22 13 46 38 529723

(equivalent to CIArb Module 1: Law of Obligations and Civil Evidence), July 2017:

CRCICA has been approved as a Recognized Course Provider authorized to provide training courses qualifying for the membership of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). By virtue of this one of the kind stance in the whole Arab region, CRCICA is entitled to hold both CIArb modules; Module I: Law of obligations and Civil Evidence which prepares candidates having no legal background to participate at Module 2: Law of Arbitration. Candidates are then entitled to apply for the CIArb membership. On 10-15 July 2017, CRCICA held, for the second time, Module 1: Law of Obligations and Civil Evidence under the customized thematic approach “The Contract and the Rules of Responsibility and Evidence”. This tailored course stroke a unique balance between local and regional practices and jurisdictions on one side and international law and practices on the other. The Course was tutored by Dr. Ismail Selim, CRCICA Director, and Dr. Dalia Hussein, CRCICA Deputy Director. 27 Participants were in attendance and were mostly contract managers, contract specialists, contract engineers, and cost engineers. Participants were guided through PowerPoint presentations, writings of famous scholars in the field, court decisions and practical examples, through the process of making, performing and terminating contracts. The curriculum included: (I) General Introduction to Law- Sources of Obligations- Making of Contracts- Terms of Contracts; (II) Privity of contract- Interpretation of contract- performance- remedies for breach- Termination; (III) Tort and Evidence Law. The program addressed a general introduction to law, explained the meaning of the legal rule and the hierarchy of norms, and focused on contract law and evidence law from a civil law perspective. The program also addressed tort law, as well as elements of liability for tort and for breach of contract. The conditions of the liability in both cases are similar and treated by famous scholars in the same chapters, the sole difference being the element of the fault. Evidence as applied before courts and arbitral tribunals under Egyptian Law was also addressed. Assessments consisted of two sections; the first one involved two questions and a mock case in evidence law and tort law. The second section consisted of a complicated mock case including issues related to contractual terms, interpretation and performance of contracts, breach of contractual obligations and remedies thereto and limitation on liability and its conditions. Assessment aimed at showing candidates’ level of understanding as well as their ability to present and express their views in law of obligations, evidence and tort law as well as to apply the knowledge they acquired to analyze facts and legal issues and to suggest the best solutions for them. The Course was well received as it, quoting a participant, "provides the sophisticated legal background non-legal contract managers inevitably need to well perform their duties and avoid contractual risks”.
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ICCA Second Consultative Workshop on Cooperation among African Arbitral Initiatives, 3 April 2017
Apr 03 2017

On 3rd April 2017, CRCICA hosted and organized, in cooperation with the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), the Second Consultative Workshop on "Cooperation Among African Arbitral Initiatives". The Workshop represented an opportunity for discussing and concretizing the resolutions of the First Workshop held in Mauritius on 11 May 2016 aiming at laying a foundation for stronger cooperation among arbitral institutions and reviewing arbitration initiatives in Africa. The program of the CRCICA Workshop introduced four separate parallel sessions approaching how far progress was achieved by working groups in the following issues: formation of the umbrella organization, education and training, access to information initiatives, and technical assistance. Report-backs were delivered by working groups at the end of discussions. Ongoing work of 1-ARB Africa was also presented shedding light on the progress in establishing the Archive of Historical Cases involving African Parties from 1990 to 2000. The Workshop was coordinated by Ms. Lise Bosman; ICCA Executive Director and attended by 22 participants representing ICCA's Working Group including some Governing Board members among whom are Mrs. Funke Adekoya, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf and Judge Abdulqawi Yusuf.

Closing remarks reflected a common consensus on harmonizing and enhancing regional and continental cooperation among existing capacity -building initiatives.

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NewsEvents 2017 03 04 14 07 14 789088
The Distinguished Lawyers Program: “Your Guide to Mastering Client Relationships … the Customers’ Perspective”
Nov 30 2016
The CRCICA and the ABA ROLI jointly organized a career development training entitled “Your Guide to Mastering Client Relationships  the Customers’ Perspective”. Delivered by Mr. Ayman Essam, Director of Legal & External Affairs, Vodafone Egypt, the training marked the first event in a sustainable CRCICA/ABA ROLI Continuing Legal Education Scheme. This training was designed to help lawyers of law firms to know their clients, embrace their needs, fulfill their expectations and thus ensure client loyalty and improve billing and collections process. The instructor used interactive methods of presentation and thought-provoking quizzes. After the presentation, there was a Q & A session followed by a legal memo “reconstruction” exercise. The scope of the training included ways to bridge the gap between law firms and clients; lawyers’ “soft skills”; behavioral performance of law firms to meet clients’ emotional needs; the importance of improving industry understanding; best practices for billing; improving service quality: lessons and practice from an insider’s view; client retention strategies and the importance and methods to measure clients’ satisfaction. The training ended by a case Study and practical exercise.
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